A Beautiful Mind

UK Release Date. 22 February 2002
Certification. 12
Running Time. 2 hours 15 mins
Director. Ron Howard
Cast. Paul Bettany, Jennifer Connelly, Russell Crowe, Adam Goldberg, Ed Harris, Judd Hirsch, Josh Lucas, Christopher Plummer.
Rating. 76%


A Beautiful Mind was inspired by one of America's most brilliant mathematicians, John Nash. In 1994, John Nash was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on games theory - research he carried out 50 years earlier as a student at Princeton University. Highly embellished and severely sanitised, the film bears only a passing resemblance to Sylvia Nasar's biography of John Nash, A Beautiful Mind.

John Nash (Russell Crowe) was diagnosed with schizophrenia, but A Beautiful Mind is not a film about mental illness. A Beautiful Mind is a film about John Nash, his relationships and his daily struggle with schizophrenia. The result is one of the most sympathetic depictions of mental illness of its time. A Beautiful Mind did not intend to rival the claustrophobic complexity of the likes of Repulsion, Donnie Darko or Spider. The latter two films were released within 12 months of A Beautiful Mind.

I'm not sure A Beautiful Mind merited the Best Picture Academy Award in a year that saw Gosford Park, Black Hawk Down, Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The RingMoulin Rouge! and Amelie released. But Jennifer Connelly certainly merited the Best Supporting Actress Award. Her portrayal of John Nash's wife, Alicia may seem innocuous and low-key compared to many histrionic Academy Award-winning performances. Despite a woefully underwritten role, Jennifer Connelly dominates the screen with an innate ability to convey emotion with a fleeting glance, a subtle gesture or a single word. Dynamite.
