Iron Man 2

UK Release Date. 30 April 2010
Certification. 12A
Running Time. 2 hours 4 mins
Director. Jon Favreau
Cast. Paul Bettany, Don Cheadle, Robert Downey Jr, Jon Favreau, Clark Gregg, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sam Rockwell, Mickey Rourke, John Slattery.
Rating. 48%


It was never going to be easy to emulate the commercial and critical success of Iron Man, but two years after the release of the original film, Marvel Studios unveiled Iron Man 2. The sequel is seriously imbalanced, but considering how earlier superhero sequels killed franchises (Superman III, Superman IV: The Quest For Peace, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin and Spiderman 3), Jon Favreau should be given some credit for the end result. Rumours would suggest Iron Man 2 was rushed, with the final edit in the hands of studio executives intent on using the sequel as a platform to promote forthcoming titles in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

With the world now aware of Iron Man's true identity, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) has become ever more egotistical and erratic in Iron Man 2. We learn that Stark's palladium power source that is keeping him alive is also slowly killing him. A pitiful, petulant and morose Tony Stark implodes on screen in an incongruous meltdown to rival that of Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) in Sam Raimi's Spiderman 3.

In Iron Man 2, Tony Stark is confronted by Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke), the son of a Russian scientist who worked alongside Tony's father, Howard Stark (John Slattery). Ivan Vanko is essentially a composite character from Marvel Comics, based on the characters Whiplash and Crimson Dynamo (although neither name is mentioned in the film). The bad-ass Russian scientist with a pet cockatoo is borderline ridiculous and is only saved by Mickey Rourke distinctly underplaying the role. Ultimately, Ivan Vanko is another bland villain, devoid of character and the final confrontation with Iron Man is somewhat predictable and underwhelming.

The Circuit De Monaco sequence is perhaps the highlight of the film, but beyond this, large sections of Iron Man 2 are pedestrian, with little excitement or spectacle.

Iron Man 2 does introduce the audience to Natasha Romanov (Scarlett Johansson), initially as the alluring notary Natalie Rushman, but latterly (albeit briefly) as kick-ass S.H.I.E.L.D. assassin, Black Widow. Her appearance undoubtedly whets the appetite for what is to come.

Whilst flawed with an often bloated narrative Iron Man 2 successfully sets up Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger and Avengers Assemble.
