The Top 10 Films I Watched This Year

Who would have thought when I published a review of Jane Campion's The Power Of The Dog and started the Bravo Alfredo blog, that 12 months later I would have watched and reviewed more than 150 films. 

Below is the list of the Top 10 films I have watched this year.
Whilst Christopher Nolan, Ridley Scott and Wim Wenders are all represented, only the Coen brothers have two films appearing in the Top 10 list - No Country For Old Men and Fargo.

Many of my other favourite films, the likes of Blade Runner, Saving Private Ryan and Once Upon A Time In The West, I have not revisited this year. Who knows, perhaps these films will be reviewed in 2023?

I have also compiled a Top 10 list of the films released in 2022 that I have reviewed.
